3 Tips to Prepare for a Car Accident Claim

Car accidents bring along more than just wrecked cars and stirred emotions. In the heat of the moment, it’s impossible to know if you or the other party will file a lawsuit (or even have a valid case). Take comfort in the fact that you don’t need to try and deal with this now, and that you’ll have time to sort everything out with the help of a qualified professional.
It goes without saying that it is impossible to go back in time to the accident itself. Although, arming yourself with a certain amount of information and being a conscientious driver are two excellent ways to set yourself up for success on the road. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a car accident claim.
Right After An Accident
The first thing to remember is that car accidents involve living people with emotions and natural physical vulnerabilities. Everyone’s top priority should be ensuring that all parties involved are OK and seeking out the help of medical and law enforcement professionals as necessary. If EMTs aren’t needed, always call the police to get an accident report underway. Once you have this report, you’ll have what you need to reach out to your own insurance company to get a claim underway and report the accident. Consider getting an extra copy of the report for yourself and records. Reporting an accident is not an optional task, and choosing to go without reporting is a crime in Florida.
Gathering All Relevant Evidence
This part can get tricky! Evidence gathering starts immediately on the scene of the accident and can continue for months in advance with medical bills and conversations. We can’t stress enough how important it is NOT to admit fault, regardless of how clear it may be that you are the reason for the accident. Focus on getting aid to those that need it and avoid fault-admitting statements. Once following the above advice and verifying that all travelers are okay, take pictures of the accident. There’s no such thing as taking too many pictures, and each angle and visual will be helpful to a personal injury attorney when fighting your case. Pictures aside, if any witnesses are present, ask for their name and phone number in case you are in need of a statement down the line. As soon as the chaos clears, take a private moment to yourself and record your own thoughts and account of the accident. These types of details can get blurry later on, and something that you might not think twice about could be the key to a case. As a final tip, work with law enforcement professionals to the best of your ability.
The Litigation Period for Car Accident Claims
Working with a lawyer who has experience in car accidents and personal injury claims can make all the difference for getting the damages you deserve. This hardworking pro will review each piece of evidence you have and act on your behalf to prepare a comprehensive suit. A personal injury lawsuit is the best way to receive compensation for your medical bills, emotional damages and reimbursement for fees incurred as a result of an accident.
If you’ve been in a car accident and are thinking about filing a lawsuit, you should talk to an experienced personal injury attorney near you. Reach out to us at any time for a free consultation by clicking here.