Why Is My Lawyer Not Taking My Case?
As a smart shopper, you want to spend your time reviewing all of your options before making your final decision. When it comes to hiring a lawyer to represent your case, many people also interview multiple attorneys. Any smart lawyer will go ahead and consider some key factors on whether or not they should take a case. Read on below to see what lawyers look for and what that means for you.
For personal injury cases, a lawyer starts by considering what types of damages could be recovered if the case was successful in court. Once a number is determined, they’ll consider their fees and see if it would make sense to take the case. If the damages don’t come close to their fees, it’s likely that a lawyer won’t take the case and will recommend the client drop suit.
A large amount of personal injury cases are taken on a contingency basis. This means that a plaintiff doesn’t have to pay anything up front for the lawyer’s services. In these cases, the plaintiff only pays if the cases rules in their favor. Considering the risk and the time that the lawyer will spend on the case, he or she must be confident that the proper evidence is available to prove their suit. With the cost of their time, filings, witness fees and documentation, it’s a lot to consider!
A lawyer isn’t simply a lawyer. Many practice in a specific area and are proud of their specialty trade. Lawyers can specialize in all different areas, including personal injury, crime, divorce, copyright, or custody areas. It wouldn’t be beneficial on the lawyer or plaintiff’s end to pursue a case without the proper skillset.
The Plaintiff
Considering that this is the person who wants to pursue the case, it’s important that they are level headed and understand the process in full. They will most likely need to testify and commit their time to the case. The court and opposing side will be doing plenty of research on the plaintiff to try and uncover things that makes the case fall in their favor. If this person frequently tries to open suit or has a criminal background, it could mean trouble.
Lawyers spent countless hours on each case they take. Between the time it takes to collect evidence, represent you in court and coordinating efforts with staff, if they don’t have enough time, it would be unfair of them to take your case.
Case Difficulties
Law is known for being far from black and white. With so many gray areas and each little case dealing being of the utmost importance, a lawyer has to take what they know and decide if it is wise to take the case. If some of the details seem fuzzy or if a claim will be hard to prove and back up with evidence, a lawyer would be wise to let the case go.
If a case is refused, it is important that the client determine the reason why and whether this is based on issues specific to the lawyer or whether pursuing case with any lawyer is not recommended.